class documentation

class CombineFactualJob(RetrivalJob): (source)

View In Hierarchy

Computes features that depend on different retrical jobs

The job therefore take in a list of jobs that output some data, and a combined_requests which defines the features depending on the data

one example would be the following

class SomeView(FeatureView):
metadata = FeatureViewMetadata(
name="some_view", batch_source=FileSource.csv_at("data.csv")

) id = Int32().as_entity() a = Int32()

class OtherView(FeatureView):
metadata = FeatureViewMetadata(
name="other_view", batch_source=FileSource.parquet_at("other.parquet")

) id = Int32().as_entity() c = Int32()

class Combined(CombinedFeatureView):

metadata = CombinedMetadata(name="combined")

some = SomeView() other = OtherView()

added = some.a + other.c

Method cache_raw_data Undocumented
Method cached_at Undocumented
Async Method combine_data Undocumented
Async Method combine_polars_data Undocumented
Method describe Undocumented
Method ignore_event_timestamp Undocumented
Method inject_store Undocumented
Method log_each_job Undocumented
Method remove_derived_features Undocumented
Async Method to_lazy_polars Undocumented
Async Method to_pandas Undocumented
Class Variable combined_requests Undocumented
Class Variable jobs Undocumented
Class Variable store Undocumented
Property request_result Undocumented
Property retrival_requests Undocumented

Inherited from RetrivalJob:

Static Method from_convertable Undocumented
Static Method from_dict Undocumented
Static Method from_lazy_function Undocumented
Static Method from_polars_df Undocumented
Method aggregate Undocumented
Method chuncked Undocumented
Method combined_features Undocumented
Method derive_features Undocumented
Method drop_duplicate_entities Undocumented
Method drop_invalid Drops invalid row based on the defined features.
Method ensure_types Undocumented
Method fill_missing_columns Undocumented
Method filter Filters based on a condition referencing either a feature, a feature name, or an polars expression to filter on.
Method join Undocumented
Method join_asof Undocumented
Method listen_to_events Undocumented
Method monitor_time_used Undocumented
Method on_load Undocumented
Method polars_method Undocumented
Method rename Undocumented
Method return_invalid Undocumented
Method select Undocumented
Method select_columns Undocumented
Method split Undocumented
Async Method to_polars Undocumented
Method train_test Undocumented
Method train_test_validate Undocumented
Method transform_polars Undocumented
Method unique_entities Undocumented
Method unique_on Undocumented
Method unpack_embeddings Undocumented
Method update_vector_index Undocumented
Method validate_entites Undocumented
Method with_request Undocumented
Method with_subfeatures Undocumented
Method without_derived_features Undocumented
Async Method write_to_source Writes the output of the retrival job to the passed source.
Property loaded_columns Undocumented
def cache_raw_data(self, location: DataFileReference | str) -> RetrivalJob: (source)
def cached_at(self, location: DataFileReference | str) -> RetrivalJob: (source)
async def combine_data(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: (source)


async def combine_polars_data(self, df: pl.LazyFrame) -> pl.LazyFrame: (source)


def describe(self) -> str: (source)
def ignore_event_timestamp(self) -> RetrivalJob: (source)
def inject_store(self, store: ContractStore) -> RetrivalJob: (source)
def log_each_job(self, logger_func: Callable[[object], None] | None = None) -> RetrivalJob: (source)
def remove_derived_features(self) -> RetrivalJob: (source)
async def to_lazy_polars(self) -> pl.LazyFrame: (source)
async def to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame: (source)
combined_requests: list[RetrivalRequest] = (source)



store: ContractStore | None = (source)


request_result: RequestResult = (source)
retrival_requests: list[RetrivalRequest] = (source)