class documentation


Class Method multi_source_features_for Undocumented
Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method all Undocumented
Method all_between_dates Undocumented
Method all_columns Undocumented
Method all_data Undocumented
Method depends_on Undocumented
Async Method feature_view_code Setup the code needed to represent the data source as a feature view
Method features_for Undocumented
Method filter Undocumented
Async Method freshness .table("my_table") .freshness()
Method job_group_key A key defining which sources can be grouped together in one request.
Method location_id Undocumented
Async Method schema Returns the schema for the data source
Method source_id An id that identifies a source from others.
Method tags Undocumented
Method transform_with_polars Undocumented
Method with_loaded_at Undocumented
Method with_view Undocumented
def all(self, result: RequestResult, limit: int | None = None) -> RetrivalJob: (source)


def all_columns(self, limit: int | None = None) -> RetrivalJob: (source)


async def feature_view_code(self, view_name: str) -> str: (source)

Setup the code needed to represent the data source as a feature view

```python FileSource.parquet("my_path.parquet").feature_view_code(view_name="my_view")

>>> """from aligned import FeatureView, String, Int64, Float

class MyView(FeatureView):

metadata = FeatureView.metadata_with(
name="Embarked", description="some description", batch_source=FileSource.parquest("my_path.parquet") stream_source=None,


Passenger_id = Int64() Survived = Int64() Pclass = Int64() Name = String() Sex = String() Age = Float() Sibsp = Int64() Parch = Int64() Ticket = String() Fare = Float() Cabin = String() Embarked = String()"""


str: The code needed to setup a basic feature view
def filter(self, condition: DerivedFeature | Feature) -> CodableBatchDataSource: (source)


def location_id(self) -> set[FeatureLocation]: (source)
def source_id(self) -> str: (source)

An id that identifies a source from others.

def tags(self) -> list[str]: (source)


def transform_with_polars(self, method: Callable[[pl.LazyFrame], Awaitable[pl.LazyFrame]] | Callable[[pl.LazyFrame], pl.LazyFrame]) -> CodableBatchDataSource: (source)


def with_loaded_at(self) -> CodableBatchDataSource: (source)
